My Journey with The Yoga Institute, A Life Transformed

My Journey with The Yoga Institute, A Life Transformed cover image

Arpita Roy • January 14, 2025


When you search for something with intense longing, the unexpected aligns, and everything falls into place.

This profound saying beautifully captures my journey with The Yoga Institute (TYI).

I am Arpita Roy, living in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. I used to live in a cycle of complaints, dissatisfaction, and fear. As a hospiI often questioned why life seemed so challenging, convinced that success was purely a matter of luck gifted to others but not to me. My negative mindset, combined with unhealthy habits, eventually led to PCOS. Overwhelmed by anxiety, performance pressure, and a poor lifestyle, I turned to junk food for comfort, which only worsened my condition.

During my time working in the hospital, I was blessed with the opportunity to interact with thousands of patients. Listening to their stories, supporting them, and selflessly helping them planted the seeds of a serving attitude in me. However, I realized that to help others better, I first needed to heal myself.

The turning point came during the COVID-19 lockdown when I decided to take a break from my corporate job and focus on my well-being. One day, I came across a free soulful sound meditation workshop by TYI on their YouTube channel. That one-hour session left me feeling serene and deeply connected, marking the beginning of my transformation. Living far from TYI’s physical campus in Mumbai, I sought other ways to stay connected. I started following Hansa Maa’s guidance on TYI’s YouTube videos, practicing simple asanas, and embracing creativity in my daily life—finding joy even in cooking. Slowly but surely, I reversed my PCOS and regained my confidence.

In December 2023, I enrolled in TYI’s Basic Teachers’ Training Course (BTTC). It was during this time that I discovered yoga is not just about asanas but a holistic way of life. Visiting the institute to collect my BTTC certificate was an unforgettable experience. The serene ashram-like ambiance, combined with the warmth of the staff and meeting Hansa Maa, left a lasting impression. Her crisp and personalized advice encouraged me to pursue the Advanced Teachers’ Training Course (ATTC).

Initially, grasping the concepts was challenging, but the incredible instructors guided me with wisdom, patience, and compassion. Their teachings were invaluable, creating a nurturing environment that allowed me to grow through every session. I am deeply grateful for their generosity in sharing their knowledge.

The training process has been a comprehensive journey, thoughtfully designed to blend asana practice, anatomy, pranayama, meditation, kriyas, and yoga philosophy.

The teachings of TYI’s esteemed founder, Param Guru Shri Yogendra Ji, were thoughtfully refined and adapted to suit householders. These innovative techniques made yoga more accessible and effective for our busy daily lives, simplifying complex practices while preserving their deep benefits to help individuals maintain balance in all life situations.

Check out The Yoga Institute on YouTube and Instagram.

Through this transformative journey, I have become more self-aware, patient, and resilient. I’ve learned to approach challenges with calmness and clarity, respond thoughtfully rather than react impulsively, and embrace imperfections with grace. My personal growth has been profound, and I now feel fearless, confident, and equipped to share the magic of yoga with others. With yoga, I am now empowered to guide people in overcoming lifestyle disorders, becoming healthy and happy individuals, and discovering their glowing selves. The beautiful power of yoga has not only transformed my life but has also deepened my bond with The Yoga Institute and its timeless principles.

This journey has been a divine blessing, and I am grateful for every step. TYI has instilled in me a lifelong love for yoga and a commitment to spread its wisdom far and wide. Thank you, TYI, for transforming my life and empowering me to help others do the same.