Guiding the Mind to Inner Peace through Mindful Habits

Arpita Roy • May 19, 2024
yoga-and-mental-healthSo, what exactly is a thought?
In a more bookish way, I would say thoughts are mental processes, fluctuations of the mind, much like floating clouds that drift here and there, moving without boundaries—limitless, spontaneous, and unpredictable. To grasp the essence of thought, one must understand that it involves a complex interplay of ideas, images, emotions, and sensations that flow through our minds. These thoughts can be voluntary, when we consciously focus on something specific, or involuntary, when they arise unbidden, without our control.
Both voluntary and involuntary thoughts greatly influence our actions. How often do we find ourselves consumed by thoughts at the wrong time or place, driven by the wrong intent? In such cases, those thoughts often lead to wasted time and unproductive behavior. On the other hand, involuntary thoughts, which come naturally, are shaped by our surroundings and sensory experiences. These thoughts can be either beneficial or harmful, but they tend to provoke more and more actions, often without our conscious control.
Throughout the day, an endless stream of thoughts floods our minds. Thoughts, in themselves, are not inherently bad; in fact, they are the driving force behind our actions and motivations. However, both positive and negative influences can shape them, right? The key point is to observe when these thoughts arise and how they affect our ability to focus, perform tasks, or stay present in the moment.
I’m sure you've experienced this in your own life—those days when concentration seems impossible, when irritation bubbles up for no apparent reason, and the urge to quit everything arises, even though there's no physical issue causing it. Understanding the role of thoughts in these moments may offer some clarity.
We all have many thoughts in a day, which can be positive or negative, productive or unproductive. Sometimes we want to stay away from certain thoughts, but we can’t due to various external pressures, such as performance pressure, family pressure, peer pressure, and so on.
Now you may wonder why I am emphasizing thoughts. It’s because thoughts have immense power to make us happy or unhappy. Our thoughts control our body, actions, and reactions. They are also a key element in the development of diseases in our body. Our mind leads us throughout the day, and our thoughts decide the direction our mind gives to our body.
So, the above picture becomes clearer to us.
Controlling thoughts is not an easy job, but it is not impossible either. Thoughts are like monkeys jumping here and there very quickly.
Earlier, I didn’t bother with such an important aspect of my life. Once I understood the philosophy behind it, I realized how harmful overthinking, a byproduct of our thoughts, can be. Mindful relaxation or conscious relaxation is very beneficial here. But you may wonder how.
I am an early riser, so I start my day very calmly. After waking up, I take a quick bath and then sit on the balcony for 15 to 20 minutes alone with a glass of warm water. I enjoy every moment, looking at the trees, their fruits, the birds and their singing, and the sun shining in the bright sky. I feel deepest gratitude towards God and Mother Nature and tell myself how lucky I am to witness this beautiful scenery.
This time is my “me time,” 🧘♀️ when I can nurture myself, Introspect on my previous day’s activities, think about how I can bring creativity to my work and improve my efficiency. During this time, I usually don’t talk with others.
Believe it or not, after practicing this each day, I feel I am now more mindful and organized towards my words without getting irritated with others or even myself. Following a disciplined routine is a blessing for our life, and good habits help us improve our thoughts from negative to positive.
I encourage everyone out there, if you learn something from my experience, please inculcate good habits and keep learning small new things which will make you happy as you evolve each day. Of course, do whatever works best for your body, mind, and time.