Gut-friendly, Summer Coolant Buttermilk Recipe 😋

Gut-friendly, Summer Coolant Buttermilk Recipe 😋 cover image

Arpita Roy • May 17, 2024


Buttermilk is the liquid residue that comes after squeezing out all the fat solids from full-fat curd. Earlier, I shared a Homemade Ghee recipe, where I mentioned this residual water and emphasized not to throw it away.

My grandmother was a great cook; she could make many dishes that are beyond my imagination even today. She always used to say that while making ghee, if the buttermilk tastes slightly sweet, you can be sure that the ghee will be aromatic and fragrant.

Trust me, it has immense health benefits for our body. Here are a few of them:


  • Reduces loss of appetite

  • Eases gut issues & Improves Digestion

  • Relieves constipation

  • Reduces bloating, acidity

  • Calcium and Protein rich

  • Relaxes body and mind

  • Provides an immediate cooling effect and hydrates your body

  • Lowers Blood Pressure

  • Helps in Weight Management effectively

  • Especially lactose intolerant people can also consume

Now, I am going to share with you my personal favorite recipe for making this amazing Buttermilk.


  • 1 tsp crushed roasted cumin

  • 1/2 tsp black pepper

  • 1 tbsp raw sugar or rock sugar( Mishri ) (optional)

  • 1/2 tsp black salt

  • Juice of lemongrass or crushed mint leaves

Simple ingredients, aren't they?


The method is even simpler than preparing the ingredients. Just take a big bowl and use a wooden churner, hand blender, or mixer grinder to mix all the ingredients together. Lastly, serve it with ice cubes if you prefer it chilled.

Additional Tips:

  • It is highly preferable to have it during the daytime.

  • You can have it with lunch or as a mini-meal.

  • Avoid having it after 4 pm because its cooling effect is not recommended after sunset.

  • Have this drink especially after physical exercise, during menstruation, and during pregnancy.

  • Those who are lactose intolerant can also have this because there is no milk residue left.

Enjoy your refreshing and healthy Buttermilk! 😋